Extent Reports Introduction – Java
In software test automation after completion of the test suite execution we need to have a report for the execution status and it is the only way of evidence for the pass and fail status of the tests. And most of the clients bother about the detailed report of the execution status. Most of the […]

Generating Extent Reports – Java
Extent reports are very rich HTML reports for the selenium webdriver. This report will give so much of information about the execution status. The extra information can be provided from the external XML file. Once you create the XML file need to load in the program to read the configuration. We can provide below information […]

Extent Reports Log Generation – Java
Extent Reports Log Generation will discuss about how to generate log steps in the Extent Reports. While running the test suite user want to log some information about the execution in the report. This information will help the user to understand the test step execution flow and any failures during the test suite execution. By […]

Capture Screenshot in Extent Reports – Java
Capture Screenshot in Extent Reports will discuss about capturing the screenshot of a particular failure step in the HTML report. In our previous blog we have seen how to log the messages in the report. Same way here we will capture the screenshot for a particular failure step. The screenshot will give the information about […]