Katalon Analytics – Introduction

Automation test execution reports are only the evidence for the execution status (i.e. how many test cases passed or failed etc…). But when you want to track the history of the test automation execution status we need to depend on some third-party tools. But the Katalon Analytics(Beta) introduced in the latest version of Katalon Studio version 5.0 to provide this kind of provision. Using this kind of option we can provide rich reporting UI through powerful visualization including charts, graphs, and reports. So, the user can take proper decision on the stability and quality of the application.

But this analytics option is not inbuilt in the Katalon Studio IDE. It is a web-based dashboard. So, we need to log into this dashboard using the same credentials which we use for the Katalon Studio IDE and then need to integrate with the dashboard from the IDE. We can upload the execution reports to the dashboard after the completion of the test execution. So, we can track the historical report of the application stability from anywhere as it is the web-based dashboard.

Katalon Analytics is an intelligent analytics dashboard with rich UI and filtering options to provide you better and clear understanding of your test execution status. By using these analytics, you can analyze the application stability, can improve the test scripts by reducing execution time, optimizing test suite, and quickly detecting unstable scripts as analytics provide high-risk areas of your application.

How Katalon Analytics Improves your Test Scripts Stability:

Only writing the automation scripts is not our motto. But we need to maintain the stability of the automation scripts. Finding instability tests are very important as the script might fail due to various reasons which could be synchronization issues, lack of test data or having test dependency. Once your test suite grows there might be a chance of failing your tests also increase.  So, by using analytics we can find all these issues and can resolve.

Benefits of Katalon Analytics:

  1. It is completely free.
  2. Provide proper information to users by visualizing reports and charts.
  3. Identify bugs faster by locating which test scripts failed exactly and frequently.
  4. Able to see the performance of test suite execution.
  5. Cutting down reviewing, debugging time and overall testing effort.

The Status Report visualizes an overview of Test Execution Report Status over the time. This is the fastest way to get the status (so does the quality) of Automation Test of the AUT. Moreover, with the help of Filter function, the user can easily either get the information of specific Test Execution Status or all Status at the same time.

Status Report

Duration Report:

Together with the Status Report, The Duration Report visualizes amount of time each build is taken. That duration changes dramatically can be a signal of performance issue of the AUT and give the QA Lead a chance to have proper planning.

Duration Report

Execution Report:

While Status Report displays the status of Test Cases in each build, The Executions Report demonstrates the status of the whole execution over the time as well as the summary status of it. In other words, the table contains the combined information from Status and Duration Reports.

Executions Report

Executions Detail Report:

The Execution Detail Report provides detail information about the specific execution, including test cases list with the specific status, test cases location, test suites and well as the environment detail where the test is executed.

Executions Detail Report

This is the only Beta version of Katalon Analytics. So more can come in the next versions. Please use the analytics and can suggest the improvements to the Katalon Studio.

Please watch the Video for the better understanding of the Katalon Analytics.